Welcome to attend
The 2024 Korea-Israel-USA Joint Symposium
“AdaM: Antiaging, Drug and Microbiome“
On Sep. 9 (Mon) – Sep. 10 (Tue), 2024, Online
Zoom Meeting ID : 446 543 5512
This symposium is a part of our joint international mobility program (Korea-Israel-US) supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea on the subject of “Convergence Research Exchange for Antiaging, Drug, and Microbiome”.
The participants of this project are teams from the College of Pharmacy, Hanyang University (ERICA) in the Republic of Korea (led by Prof. Hye Hyun Yoo, with the support of Prof. Ji-Young Oh), Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the US (led by Prof. Nir Barzilai) and Bar-Ilan University in Israel (led by Prof. Haim Cohen, with the support of Dr. Ilia Stambler of Vetek Association and Bar Ilan University Graduate Program in Science, Technology and Society).

It is good to see the reports about our 2024 Korea-Israel-USA Joint Symposium “AdaM: Antiaging, Drug and Microbiome” (9-10 September 2024) in Korean newspapers:
The Kyosu Shinmun (Professors’ News)
Mail Inbox (everyday newspaper)
These publications will help promote the healthy longevity field and international cooperation in the field.