Vetek Association Yearly Report 2023

Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel, report for 2023

 In 2023, Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life continued its operation in its various areas of activity (see the full report in Hebrew

Organization of and participation in conferences. Activists of the Vetek association, in cooperation with International Longevity Alliance (ILA), Biogerontology Research Foundation (BGRF) and other partners, organized the international conference “Longevity Nation” in Bar-Ilan University in Israel.

As well as participated and helped to organize several other international conferences.

Promoting the national longevity ecosystem. In cooperation with BGRF, Vetek created the online interactive platform and analytical report “Longevity Industry in Israel 2023”

Scientific publications. Several scientific publications were written and published on behalf of the Vetek association, and under the Vetek affiliation, including a monograph on Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Longevity.  About 10 more academic articles and book chapters were written and accepted for publication. Many more scientific articles were published by members of the Vetek scientific advisory board (on behalf of their universities, not the association)

Education and grass-roots advocacy. As a part of the Longevity Day/Month campaign, the Vetek (Seniority) Association – The Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel) conducted a demonstration on October 1, in Tel Aviv.  

Moreover, live and online lectures on longevity research and advocacy for the broad public were held online. 

Collaborations. Vetek association established and strengthened collaborative ties with leading allied organizations for healthy longevity, in particular with the members of the International Longevity Alliance (ILA, France) Research Foundation (BGRF, UK);  Longevity Alliance Baltic (LAB, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia). The Vetek Association also  promoted cooperation in longevity medicine between Israel and India, and in longevity research between Israel and South Korea.

Administration. Vetek association received the “good governance certificate” (the 6th year in a row), and the tax deduction certificate for donors (Article 46 of the Israeli Income Tax ordinance). We continue to seek funds and resources to advance healthy longevity research, development and education in Israel and internationally. 

High level advocacy. In the past, Vetek achieved successes at its high level advocacy in Knesset and the Israeli government, such as the inclusion (at the initiative of Vetek association) of the subject of “Enhancing research, development and education for healthy longevity and prevention of aging-related diseases” into the Israel National Masterplan on Aging, published by Knesset in 2019, and encouraging calls for research proposals on aging and longevity in Israel and in cooperation with Israel (such as the Britain-Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership on Ageing – BIRAX Ageing).

In 2023 we continued these activities. There was an understanding to conduct special meetings on longevity research at the Knesset science and technology committee, and to encourage calls for research proposals on aging at the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Science and Technology. Also, there was planned the second Longevity Nation conference in Bar-Ilan university on March 26-27, 2023.

These plans were postponed by the war. The general attention became focused on the war. Yet, we continued to advance the mission of the association, by writing opinion papers, scientific and popular texts, working on the association’s administration, participating in international collaborations, and most importantly preparing for when we can again intensify our activity after the war ends and security returns.

Vetek Association 2023 Yearly Report

Yearly activity report for 2023 by Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel

דו”ח הפעילות של עמותת “ותק – התנועה לאיכות ואריכות חיים” לשנת 2023

בשנת 2023 העמותה המשיכה בפעילותה לקידום אריכות ואיכות החיים . התקיימו מגוון פעילויות לקידום מטרות העמותה כמפורט בדו”ח להלן.

השתתפות בכנסים וארגון כנסים 

ב-26-27 במרץ 2023, בשיתוף התוכנית למדע, טכנולוגיה וחברה של אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, עמותת “ותק – התנועה לאיכות ואריכות חיים” ארגנה כנס בינלאומי בינתחומי באוניברסיטת בר-אילן (שהתקיים באולם ננו-טכנולוגיה) לקידום מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לאריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה – תחת הכותרת “עם אריכות החיים – LONGEVITY NATION”. בכנס השתתפו כ-500 אנשים כולל כ-200 באופן פיזי, וכ-300 אונליין, בהשתתפות חוקרים מובילים, אנשי ציבור ומובילי דעת קהל מישראל, ארה”ב, אירופה וסין. הכנס יצר חשיפה תקשורתית רחבה, בתקשורת הישראלית ובינלאומית (יותר מ-10 כתבות ואזכורים). כמו כן פורסמה עמדת מומחים לקידום מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לאריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה.

כמו כן, נציגי העמותה השתתפתי בארגון ותצוגה במספר כנסים וירטואליים ופיזיים בינלאומיים לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה, ברובם חברי העמותה השתתפו בארגון והנחיית הכנסים, כולל:

  1. The 1st Sheba Longevity Conference. From research to evidenced-based clinical practice. Sheba Medical Center. Ramat Gan, May 10-11, 2023
  2. Global Longevity Federation. Dubai, UAE and online, May 15-16, 2023
  3. XVI International & Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference “Vanguard Scientific Instruments in Management 2023” (VSIM:23), Longevity SectionRavda, Bulgaria, online, September 10, 2023
  4. 20 Years of the European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM). Athens, Greece and online, November 10, 2023
  5. First Baltics Conference on Healthy Longevity. Riga, Latvia and online, November 25¸ 2023

קידום האקוסיסטמה של אריכות חיים בריאים בישראל

בעקבות הכנס “עם אריכות החיים”, עמותת ותק – בשיתוף עם ארגון BGRF הבריטי הקימה פלטפורמה אינטרנטית אינטראקטיבית לקידום האקוסיסטמה של מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לאריכות חיים בריאים בישראל – LONGEVITY INDUSTRY IN ISRAEL ופרסמה דו”ח אנליטי אודות תעשיית אריכות החיים בישראל לשנת 2023  

פרסומים מדעיים

במהלך השנה נציגי העמותה כתבו ופרסמו מאמרים מדעים ופרקים בספרים אקדמיים אודות קידום אריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה, בשם העמותה, בפרט בשיתוף עם המרכז הרפואי גריאטרי “שמואל הרופא” ובשיתוף עם קבוצות מחקר בארץ ובחו”ל (סין, רוסיה, האיחוד האירופי, ארה”ב). פרק אחד פורסם במונוגרפיה אודות יישום בינה מלאכותית בחקר ההזדקנות ואריכות חיים בריאים, שהספר כולו גם נערך על ידי נציג העמותה.

Blokh D, Joseph Gitarts, Eliyahu H. Mizrahi, Nadya Kagansky, Stambler I. The utility of information theory based methods in the research of aging and longevity. In: Artificial Intelligence for Healthy Longevity. Book series Healthy Ageing and Longevity. Edited by Alexey Moskalev, Ilia Stambler, Alex Zhavoronkov. Springer Nature, 2023.

Levy Y, Derazne E, Shilovsky A, Kagansky D, Derkath A, Chepelev EM, Stambler I and Kagansky N. Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and platelet to lymphocyte ratio, are they markers of Covid-19 severity or old age and frailty? A comparison of two distinct cohorts. Frontiers in Medicine – Geriatric Medicine, 2023.    

כמו כן, במהלך השנה נכתבו והתקבלו לפרסום עוד 6 פרקים בספרים אקדמיים ועוד 4 מאמרים בעיתונים מדעיים, בשם העמותה.

עוד מאמרים רבים פורסמו על ידי חברי המועצה המדעית של העמותה (בשם האוניברסיטאות שלהם, ולא בשם העמותה).

פעילות חינוכית לציבור הרחב

העמותה המשיכה לפעול להעלאת מודעות ציבורית ויצירת חומר חינוכי בנושא אריכות ואיכות החיים, כולל פרסומים באתר עמותת “ותק” ובמדיה החברתית.

כחלק מפעילות חינוכית זאת, ב-1 באוקטובר 2023 עמותת ותק הובילה קמפיין חינוכי בינלאומי להעלאות מודעות למחקר ופיתוח לאריכות חיים בריאים – “יום אריכות החיים” – LONGEVITY DAY (מפגשים ואירועים התקיימו בארץ בעוד כ-10 מדינות).

בארץ, ביוזמת ובהובלת עמותת ותק, התקיימה הפגנה בתל-אביב לקידום זכויות האזרחים הוותיקים ואריכות חיים בריאים (הראשונה מסוגה בארץ).

הועברו הרצאות אונליין ופיזיות בנושא קידום אריכות חיים בריאים, לציבור הרחב, בפרט לבני הגיל השלישי בישראל ובחו”ל.

שיתופי פעולה בינלאומיים

נמשכו ונקשרו קשרי שותפות ואפיליאציה עם אגודות מקצועית ואקדמיות וארגונים בינלאומיים המובילים בתחום שיפור הבריאות של האדם הזקן, כולל הארגונים שבהם התקיים שיתוף פעולה הדוק בארגון פעילויות משותפות, כולל:

International Longevity Alliance (ILA, France)

International Society on Aging and Disease (ISOAD, USA)

European Society for Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM, Austria)  

Longevity International (Switzerland)

Afrolongevity (South Africa)

Biogerontology Research Foundation (BGRF, UK)

עם ארגון ה-BGRF נקשרו קשרי שותפות אסטרטגית

Longevity Alliance Baltic (LAB, Latvia)

בשיתוף בין ארגון LAB ועמותת ותק, אורגן הכנס הראשון במדינות בלטיות לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים.

כמו כן, העמותה קידמה שיתוף פעולה בפיתוח רפואת אריכות חיים בריאים בין ישראל להודו.

ושיתוף פעולה בקידום מחקר אריכות חיים בריאים בין ישראל לדרום קוריאה.

ניהול העמותה

אחרי מאמצים רבים, עמותת “ותק – התנועה לאיכות ואריכות חיים” (ע”ר) קיבלה אישור מס הכנסה לעניין תרומות לפי סעיף 46 לפקודת מס הכנסה. בהתאם לכך, התרומות לעמותה יקנו לתורם זיכוי מהמס שהוא חייב בו לפי האמור בסעיף זה. זה בנוסף לקבלת אישור ניהול תקין ע”י העמותה, זו שנה שישית ברציפות.
נפעל כדי לגייס משאבים לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה.

 פעילות פרלמטרית

בעבר עמותת ותק הגיע למספר הצלחות והישגים בקידום מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לאריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה בזירה הפרלמנטרית, כולל הוספת הסעיף, ביוזמת העמותה, אודות “הגברת מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה” כחלק מ-“תוכנית אב לאומית בתחום הזקנה” שפורסמה ע”י הכנסת ב-2019

וכן פרסום קולות קוראים בתחום הזקנה בעידוד העמותה, לתמיכת חקר ההזדקנות בישראל ושיתוף פעולה עם ישראל  (כגון שת”פ בחקר ההזדקנות בין ישראל לבריטניה BIRAX AGEING

גם בשנת 2023 העמותה המשיכה בפעילות זאת. הושגו הבנות לגבי קיום ישיבות מיוחדות בנושא “הגברת מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה” בוועדת המדע והטכנולוגיה של הכנסת, וכן לגבי עידוד קולות קוראים בנושא חקר הזקנה במשרדים הרלוונטיים כולל משרד המדע והטכנולוגיה ומשרד הבריאות. כמו כן תוכנן לקיים את הכנס הבא של העמותה “עם אריכות החחים – LONGEVITY NATION” ב26-27 במרץ 2024.

תוכנית אלה נדחו עקב המלחמה. רוב תשומת הלב התרכז במלחמה. חברי עמותה חיוניים הצטרפו לחזית. אך גם בזמן המלחמה המשכנו לעבוד לקידום מטרות העמותה, ע”י פרסום מאמרי דעה, כתיבת עבודות מדעיות ופופולריות, פעילות אדמיניסטרטיבית של העמותה, השתתפות בשיתופי פעולה בינלואמייים, ובעיקר הכנות להמשך פעילות מאומצת כאשר המצב ישתפר והביטחון יחזור לכולנו!


Longevity Alliance Baltic and Vetek Association co-organize the First Baltics Conference on Healthy Longevity in Riga on November 25

The first-ever Baltics Conference on Healthy Longevity takes place on Nov. 25 in Riga, Latvia, to address the need to increase the healthy and productive longevity of the aging population.

Conference details and registration:

Organized by the Longevity Alliance Baltic, in cooperation with Vetek Association and International Longevity Alliance, the event will feature some of the leading longevity researchers and advocates in the Baltic area and internationally.

There is an urgent social need to address the vulnerability of aging health, to reverse the negative morbidity and mortality trends by developing and deploying novel medical technologies designed to prevent aging-related diseases and improve the health of the older people, increase the healthy life expectancy. This may also boost the economic development and cooperation, thanks to the burgeoning “healthy longevity industry”.  The conference will showcase and share some of the latest promising developments in longevity medicine, data analysis and policies for healthy longevity and prevention of aging-related diseases, especially from the US, EU, China and Israel.

The recently established Longevity Alliance Baltic (LAB) unities representatives of Baltic countries and international experts, and its first conference, aims to increase awareness about aging-related issues, educate the public about healthy longevity research and development, and help build up the longevity community in the Baltic region, catalyzing a further development of the longevity field internationally.

We at Vetek believe that it is very encouraging that this first Baltics Conference on Healthy Longevity takes place, contributing to the promotion of healthy longevity in the region. It is especially encouraging that international cooperation is at the foundation of this activity. We are happy that also our country Israel, is taking a strong part in this cooperation, via the strong partnership between Vetek Association and Longevity Alliance Baltic. Despite the current situation in Israel, we continue to think and work for the future and share our knowledge, continue to create the foundation for future cooperative development that we can build on after the situation improves.

Some press about this conference:

November 19, 2023. In times of war: Continue working for healthy longevity. The Jerusalem Post. Ilia Stambler (opinion article).

Promotion of cooperation in the longevity field between Israel and Latvia

Longevity Day Demonstration – Tel Aviv – 1 October 2023

As a part of the Longevity Day/Month campaign, the Vetek (Seniority)Association – The Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel) conducted a demonstration on October 1, at 10.00 am (Israel time), at the Democracy Square (Azrieli-Kaplan intersection) in Tel Aviv. The demonstrationtook place on October 1, the “International Longevity Day”.
The official theme of the demonstration is:
*Raising awareness for healthy longevity*
The topics that we advocated for at the demonstration included: raising the old-age pensions, improving the rights of older persons, as well as enhancing research, development and education for healthy longevity and prevention of aging-related diseases.
The demonstration was initiated by the Vetek Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, yet additional organizations and individuals have joined.
We hope that this demonstration will encourage the struggle for the status and health of older people, not only in Israel, but around the world. And indeed, on October 1, the “International Longevity Day”, with the encouragement of the International Longevity Alliance (ILA), there took place partner demonstrations and events in several other countries: Belgium, Spain, Germany, US. We hope for more initiatives take place. If you organize more demonstrations and other events (live or online) for the Longevity Day/Month, please let us know so we can synergize and publicize together.‐tional-longevity-day-month-campaign-in-october/
More details about the Tel Aviv demonstration (in Hebrew and English)
Some press about the Longevity Day demonstration in Tel Aviv (in Hebrew)
Davar. 1 October 2023
Maariv. 1 October 2023

Demonstration for healthy longevity – 1 October 2023 – Tel-Aviv Democracy Square

עמותת “ותק” קיבלה אישור לקיים הפגנה ב-1 באוקטובר, בשעה 10.00 בבוקר, בכיכר הדמוקרטיה (צומת עזריאלי-קפלן) בתל אביב.

1 באוקטובר זהו “יום הקשיש הבינלאומי” שגם מצוין ע”י קהילת קידום אריכות החיים הבריאים כ-“יום אריכות החיים הבינלאומי”.

הנושא הרשמי של ההפגנה: *העלאת מודעות לאריכות חיים בריאים*

זאת תהיה ההפגנה הראשונה בנושא ספציפי זה, בארץ ובעולם.
הנושאים העיקריים שנקדם בהפגנה הם:
העלאת קצבאות הזקנה ושיפור זכויות האזרחים הוותיקים, וכן הגברת מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לאריכות חיים בריאים ומניעת מחלות זקנה.

ההפגנה מתקיימת ביוזמת עמותת “ותק – התנועה לאיכות ואריכות חיים” אך אנו מקווים כי עוד ארגונים ואנשים פרטיים נוספים יצטרפו.

אנחנו גם מקווים כי ההפגנה תעודד את המאבק לשיפור המעמד והבריאות של האזרחים הוותיקים, לא רק בישראל אלא בכל העולם. ואכן הפגנות שותפות, בעידוד ארגון ILA, שעמותת ותק שותפה לו, מתוכננות להתקיים ב-1 באוקטובר, “יום אריכות החיים הבינלאומי” בעוד כמה מדינות: בלגיה, גרמניה, ספרד. נשמח לעוד יוזמות.

ונשמח לראות אתכם איתנו ב-1 באוקטובר, במאבק המשותף שלנו, לא רק של האזרחים הוותיקים, אלא של כולם, להעלאת מודעות לאריכות חיים בריאים.

ההגעה להפגנה כמובן חופשית, ברוכים הבאים! אך נשמח אם תירשמו כאן, כדי שנדע כמה אנשים צפויים להגיע (התשבות לכל השאלות אופציונליות). תודה!

בתמונה – כיכר הדמוקרטיה (צומת עזריאלי-קפלן) בתל אביב, שם תהיה ההפגנה, ומארגני ההפגנה לשירותכם:
מנכ”ל עמותת ותק – חנן טל Hanan Tal
ויו”ר עמותת ותק – ד”ר איליה סטמבלר Ilia Stambler

פרטים נוספים (בעברית ובאנגלית)

The Vetek Association received the permit to conduct a demonstration on October 1, at 10.00 am, at the Democracy Square (Azrieli-Kaplan intersection) in Tel Aviv.

The demonstration takes place on October 1, the “International Day of Older Persons” which is also celebrated by the Longevity community as the “International Longevity Day”.

The official theme of the demonstration is: *Raising awareness for healthy longevity*

This is the first demonstration with this specific theme, in Israel and in the world.
The topics that we will advocate for at the demonstration include: raising the old-age pensions, improving the rights of older persons, as well as enhancing research, development and education for healthy longevity and prevention of aging-related diseases.

The demonstration was initiated by the Vetek Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, but we hope additional organizations and individuals will join.

We also hope that this demonstration will encourage the struggle for the status and health of older people, not only in Israel, but around the world. And indeed, on October 1, the “International Longevity Day”, with the encouragement of the International Longevity Alliance (ILA), there are planned partner demonstrations and events in several other countries: Belgium, Spain, Germany. We hope for more initiatives.

Hoping to see you with us, on October 1, in our common struggle, not just for the older persons, but for everyone, for raising awareness for healthy longevity.

The participation in the demonstration is of course free, welcome to join! But if you plan to attend, we will be grateful if you register here, so we know how many people can be there. All the questions are optional. Thanks!

In the picture, the Democracy square in Tel Aviv, where the demonstration will take place, and the demonstration organizers at your service:

Dr. Ilia Stambler – Chairman. Vetek Association
Hanan Tal – CEO. Vetek Association

More details (in Hebrew and English)

Longevity Industry Ecosystem in Israel – IT platform and report

We are happy to further promote Israel’s Longevity R&D and Education ecosystem and its cooperation with the world, by launching a joint analytical report and IT platform – “The Longevity Industry Ecosystem in Israel” – a cooperative effort of the Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life (Israel), with our international strategic partners – Deep Knowledge Group, Longevity.International (Switzerland), Aging Analytics Agency, ATLAS Advocacy, and Biogerontology Research Foundation (UK).

Wishing for the flourishing and bearing fruit of the Longevity field in Israel and around the world through international cooperation!

See the press release about the IT platform and report launch

“The Longevity Industry Ecosystem in Israel” IT platform, including interactive dashboards, mindmaps and the free report “Longevity Industry in Israel 2023”

The site of the Vetek Association and the Longevity Nation conference that work to enhance the Longevity ecosystem in Israel.

Thanks for making the Longevity Nation conference a success

Thanks to all who took some part or interest in the Longevity Nation conference that took place on March 26-27 in Bar-Ilan Unviersity, Israel 

Thanks all for your interest in our conference! Special thanks to all who attended, live or online, thanks to all for your interest and support!

The conference was a success! We already started planning the next one!

You can read a brief report about the conference here

All the recordings of the conference are available online on youtube

26 March —
27 March —

Some follow ups and updates about this conference may be forthcoming.

The greatest thanks and kudos go to the top-level speakers, from Israel and internationally, who freely shared their knowledge to advance the education and discussion of the healthy longevity field for all! 

We would like also to express the deepest gratitude and appreciation to all the organizations and individuals who joined forces to create and carry through this project. This event brought together, in a common effort, many leading longevity organizations (over 30), as partners and sponsors, to which many thanks are due:

Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life , Science, Technology and Society department of Bar-Ilan University (STS-BIU , Shlomo Tyran Foundation , Deep Knowledge Group , QuadraScope Venture Fund , International Longevity Alliance (ILA ), Biogerontology Research Foundation (BGRF , Aging Analytics Agency , International Society on Aging and Disease (ISOAD , European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM , Healthy Life Extension Society (HEALES, Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation, Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation (SRF , Renewal Bio , Centarix , Longaevus , , Longevity Technology , AgeTech , Longevity Pledge , Longevity International , Global Healthspan Policy Institute (GHPI , Foundation for the Protection of the Identity of populations (Sardinia) , the Global Community for Longevity , The Millennium Project , Disabled – Not Half a Human Being

We also thank the Open Longevity Random Coffee group for the help with communication

As well as the «Trust me I am a Biologist» page for the promotion of the conference

Snob Tel Aviv for the help with logistics

The logistics Team of the Nanotechnology Building of Bar-Ilan University.

Thanks to the Longevity Biotech Fellowship for the help with the web presence

And the many newsletters, mailing lists and blogs, including Gerontology Research Group , Lifeboat Foundation , Live Forever Club , AgingBiotech and many others who helped to spread the word about the conference.

And thanks to many other organizations who helped with the logistics and promotions.

And of course thanks to the many many individuals, variously affiliated, whose volunteering and whose donations made this conference possible and made it a success! 

Looking forward to more of such beautiful cooperation for the common goal of healthy longevity for all, and the future joint events and projects to advance this goal!

Ilia Stambler, PhD

Chairman of the Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life

Chairman of the Longevity Nation conference organizing committee

Landmark Set of Longevity Ecosystem Resolutions Achieved Among Industry Leaders During the Longevity Nation Conference in Tel Aviv, Israel

First-of-its-kind Longevity Nation conference presented by VETEK Association brought together a critical density of international Longevity thought-leaders and decision makers, resulting in a groundbreaking set of resolutions designed to guide Israel towards its emergence as a pre-eminent international Longevity Industry hub. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023, Tel Aviv, Israel: A landmark Longevity conference, Longevity Nation, was held in Tel Aviv on March 26-27 by Vetek Association, STS-BIU, and the Shlomo Tyran Foundation, which culminated in the drafting of a core set of resolutions by its conference organisers and partners which taken together aim to ‘advance the geroscience and healthy longevity field, nationally and internationally, for the benefit of the elderly and the entire population’, providing a strong foundation for future work towards the emergence of Israel as a pre-eminent full-scope Longevity Hub.

Some of the resolution’s core action items included:

  • The need to increase resources and investments for the geroscience and healthy longevity field.
  • The need to increase education in the field of geroscience and healthy longevity, on all levels and for all segments of society.
  • The need to establish and improve evaluation measures for degenerative aging, early detection and prevention of aging-related diseases and to implement these evaluation measures in preventive health programs for the aging population.

The full set of resolutions achieved at the conference can be read here: 

It should be noted that this conference is not just a top-level scientific meeting, but also, and even mainly, a longevity advocacy event. This conference is a revival of many advocacy efforts to advance research, development and education for healthy longevity. This is the first live conference that the Vetek association organized in over 3 years since the International Perspectives on Geroscience conference that we co-organized together with the NIH NIA in Weizmann Institute of Science in 2019. Thus, this is a revival of our live outreach, large scale personal knowledge exchange and massive longevity community building in Israel. 

The very theme of the conference: “Enhancing research, development and education for healthy longevity” is a reminder about the program section under this title that was included, at the initiative of the Vetek Association, in the Israel National Masterplan on Aging, published by Knesset in 2019. This conference is an effort to revive that program, to bring it again to the attention and hopefully also to the implementation of the decision makers. In fact, the resolutions that were adopted by the conference are a recapitulation of the recommendations made in that section of the Israel National Masterplan on Aging in support of “Research, Development and Education for Healthy Longevity and Prevention of Aging-related Disease”, such as enhancing funding, educational programs and metrics development. We hope that thanks to this conference, thanks to the amazing demonstration of cooperation and support for the advancement of the longevity field, not just in Israel, but internationally, especially by our partners, such as the Department of Science, Technology and Society of Bar-Ilan University, Shlomo Tyran Foundation, Biogerontology Research Foundation, Aging Analytics Agency, International Longevity Alliance and others, we will succeed in reviving several earlier efforts and starting new efforts to further enhance the longevity advocacy initiatives in Israel and internationally.

The main themes of the conference

The conference brought together a critical mass of Longevity thought-leaders and definitively established Israel’s reputation as a burgeoning Longevity Hub with very strong potential to emerge as a leading international hub of Longevity science, technology, R&D policy and industrialization in the years to come.

Longevity Nation explored the interdisciplinary interrelations of science, technology and society in addressing the challenges of population aging. By bringing together leading voices in the longevity space and public figures, the Longevity Nation conference will strongly contribute to increasing the synergy of science, technology and aging society, and help advance ethical scientific and technological solutions for healthy longevity for the benefit of the entire society. Building on Israel’s strengths in this area, this conference sought to help build the supportive longevity ecosystem in Israel, boost the prominence of the field in Israel and enhance Israel’s international standing and cooperation in the Longevity field.

The full set of conference participants included:

  • Ilia Stambler, Vetek Association, Bar Ilan University
  • Aubrey de Grey, LEV Foundation
  • Nir Barzilai, Einstein College of Medicine, NY
  • Evelyne Bischof, Jiaotong University, Shanghai
  • Alexey Moskalev, Longaevus Technologies
  • Arseniy Trukhanov, ESAAM
  • Valery Krizhanovsky, Weizmann Institute
  • Myriam Grunewald, Hebrew University
  • Gil Atzmon, Haifa University
  • Natalie Yivgi-Ohana, Minovia Therapeutics
  • Yaky Yanay, Pluri
  • Haim Cohen, Bar Ilan University
  • Marios Kyriazis, National Gerontology Centre Cyprus
  • Dmitry Kaminskiy, Deep Knowledge Group
  • Kunlin Jin, International Society on Aging and Disease (ISOAD)
  • Robert Chunhua Zhao, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
  • Stephanie Dainow,
  • Alexey Strygin,
  • Björn Schumacher, University of Cologne
  • Mario Krause, ESAAM
  • Fiona Miller, quadraScope Venture Fund
  • Yael Benvenisti, Mediterranean Tower Ventures
  • Jose Luis Cordeiro, The Millennium Project
  • Didier Coeurnelle, HEALES
  • Anton Kulaga, International Longevity Alliance
  • Omri Amirav-Drory, Renewal Bio
  • Jacob Hanna, Weizmann Institute
  • Noah Efron, STS Bar-Ilan University
  • Enrico Mairov, New Udai 10.0
  • Flavio Cabitza, Foundation for the Protection of Identity
  • Roberto Pili, Comunità Mondiale della Longevità
  • Grazia Fenu Pintori, University of Sassari
  • Lisa Fabiny-Kiser, SENS Research Foundation
  • David Izhaky, EMIT

Longevity Ecosystem in Israel IT Platform and Report, developed in collaboration between Aging Analytics Agency and VETEK (Seniority) Association, was also unveiled at the conference. The platform serves as a central hub for resources and information on Israel’s Longevity Industry and ecosystem.

Further prospects of international cooperation were discussed, in particular between research entities from Israel and Sardinia, Italy.


VETEK (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, was founded by former Israeli Minister for Senior Citizens Rafi Eitan. The conference dates were chosen as close as possible to the Memorial Day of Rafi Eitan, and this conference was in Rafi Eitan’s Memory, as the founder of the Senior Citizen’s Movement in Israel, who made ground breaking contributions to bringing the issues of aging, including aging health, to the foreground of Israel public life. The last Vetek conference with his participation took place in October 2017, in the same building in Bar-Ilan University.

Generally, the association acts for the advancement of healthy longevity for the entire population through scientific research, technological development, medical treatment, public health and educational measures, advocacy and social activism. 

VETEK has organised and co-organised several national and international conferences on biomedical ageing and Longevity research in Israel, such as the conference in Bar Ilan University in 2017, co-sponsored by the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology, and the conference in Weizmann Institute of Science in 2019, co-sponsored by the US NIH National Institute on Aging. VETEK organised several competitions for research students in the field of ageing research, with dozens of applications from all the universities in Israel. It has produced continuous educational meetings and publications in scientific literature, popular press, and social media.

It has been instrumental for including the subject of “Enhancing research, development and education for healthy longevity and prevention of ageing-related diseases” as a part of the Israel National Masterplan on Aging report, published by Knesset in 2019, created numerous educational materials, and organised national and international public and academic events for the advancement of the longevity field in Israel and internationally.

VETEK Association has been at the forefront of public advocacy for healthy longevity research, development and education for many years, and the success of its recent Longevity Nation conference is the latest output in a long-line of important actions to enable Israel to champion longevity industrialization across science, technology, industry and policy for the mutual benefit of its citizens and its national economy.

The recording of the entire conference (both days)

Day 1. March 26

Day 2. March 27.


Some press about the conference

Longevity Nation- The Jerusalem Post – In Jerusalem – 14 April 2023


Strategic partnership between Vetek Association and Biogerontology Research Foundation UK


Ramat Gan, Israel – Thursday, 26 January 2023: Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life has announced a strategic partnership with UK-based charity Biogerontology Research Foundation (BGRF), as well as the appointment of VETEK chairman Ilia Stambler to the BGRF’s Board of Trustees.

Alongside Stambler’s appointment, the charity has also announced the formation of a formal strategic partnership with Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, for which Ilia currently serves as Chairman. Co-founded by former Israeli Minister for Senior Citizens Rafi Eitan, Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life acts for the advancement of healthy longevity for the entire population through scientific research, technological development, medical treatment, public health and educational measures, advocacy and social activism. 

Its strategic partnership with the Biogerontology Research Foundation will focus initially on building an effective technological bridge for international Longevity collaboration between the UK and Israel, and will also encompass other aspects of international collaboration across science, policy and industry.

Speaking on the partnership and his new appointment, Ilia Stambler, Ph.D, Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer of Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, commented: “I couldn’t be more delighted to join forces with and work alongside long-standing Longevity investor, philanthropist, technologist and thought leader Dmitry Kaminskiy as a new member of the Biogerontology Research Foundation’s Board of Trustees. As a board member of the International Longevity Alliance (ILA), I was actively involved in the ILA and Biogerontology Research Foundation’s successful joint 2018 initiative to add a new World Health Organization-approved extension code (XT9T) for ‘ageing-related’ during ICD-11, and know first-hand the first-rate work they do. Having known Dmitry for nearly 10 years, I have seen his capacity to turn vision into practical action for the acceleration and stabilisation of Longevity Industrialization many times, and can’t wait to see that same energy applied to the main objectives of VETEK (Seniority) Association’s newly-announced strategic partnership with the Biogerontology Research Foundation, and vice versa. In particular, our joint publication of the analytical report ‘Longevity Industry in Israel’ in 2019 increased the awareness about Israel’s strong capabilities in the longevity space and provided further encouragement for these capabilities. Together, we will create more projects like this.  

One early fruit of their collaboration will be the Biogerontology Research Foundation’s support of VETEK’s upcoming Longevity Nation conference at Bar Ilan University, Israel, on 26-27 March 2023, where BGRF Managing Trustee Dmitry Kaminskiy will speak. By bringing together leading voices in the Longevity space and public figures, the Longevity Nation conference will strongly contribute to increasing the synergy of science, technology, and the ageing society and help advance ethical, scientific, and technological solutions for healthy Longevity for the benefit of the entire society. Building on Israel’s strengths in this area, this conference will help build in Israel the supportive Longevity ecosystem, boost the prominence of the field, and enhance Israel’s international standing and cooperation in the Global Longevity Industry. It will help build up Longevity R&D and education support programmes for stakeholders in Israel and international collaborators.

VETEK has organised or co-organised several national and international conferences on biomedical ageing and Longevity research in Israel, such as the conference in Bar Ilan University in 2017, co-sponsored by the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology, and the conference in Weizmann Institute of Science in 2019, co-sponsored by the US NIH National Institute on Aging. VETEK organised several competitions for research students in the field of ageing research, with dozens of applications from all the universities in Israel. It has produced continuous educational meetings and publications in scientific literature, popular press, and social media.

The partnership between the Biogerontology Research Foundation and VETEK will create new, exciting opportunities to extend its existing mandates of supporting a higher degree of cross-sector, cross-border international collaboration for the extension of population-level healthy longevity for the mutual benefit of citizens and national economies. The charity plans to work with them to support and intensify VETEK’s existing involvement with BIRAX Ageing (Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership on Ageing), the multimillion-pound initiative of the British Council and the British Embassy for exploring possible applications of regenerative medicine to ageing in order to deliver on the BGRF mandate of creating a technological and industrial triangle between the UK, Israel, and Switzerland.

Speaking on the partnership and new appointment, Biogerontology Research Foundation Managing Trustee Dmitry Kaminskiy said “It is my great pleasure to welcome Ilia Stambler, who I have known for almost a decade as one of the most active community builders and conveyors of international collaboration across science, industry, technology and policy in the entire Longevity ecosystem, as a new member of the Biogerontology Research Foundation Board of Trustees. I am sure that he, alongside the exciting plans we’ve discussed as part of the charity’s strategic partnership with VETEK (Seniority) Association, will go a long way in extending the foundation’s long-standing mandate to promote and support the accelerated delivery of Longevity Industrialization’s major social dividends for the mutual benefit of citizens and national economies.

About the Biogerontology Research Foundation

The Biogerontology Research Foundation is the UK’s leading charity focused on Longevity, supporting ageing research, and multiple initiatives relating to advancing Healthy Longevity and expediting the coming paradigm shift from disease treatment to personalised precision prevention. It was actively involved in the successful initiative of adding a new extension code for “ageing-related diseases” (XT9T) accepted in 2018 by the World Health Organization during the last revisions of its International Classification of Diseases framework. 

About VETEK (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life

The main aim of VETEK (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life is to act for the advancement of healthy longevity for the entire population through scientific research, technological development, medical treatment, public health and educational measures, advocacy and social activism. In order to help address the ageing-related health challenges, the Vetek Association is uniquely poised to advance biomedical ageing and longevity research in Israel. It is advised by leading Israeli and international scientists in diverse fields of biomedical ageing and longevity R&D. Since its foundation by Rafi Eitan, it has been supported by noted public figures and advocates, strategically situated and connected in the Israeli and international scientific and civic establishment. Vetek association has been at the forefront of public advocacy for healthy longevity research, development and education. It has been instrumental for including the subject of “Enhancing research, development and education for healthy longevity and prevention of ageing-related diseases” as a part of the Israel National Masterplan on Aging report, published by Knesset in 2019, created numerous educational materials, and organised national and international public and academic events for the advancement of the longevity field in Israel and internationally.

Longevity Nation Conference – March 26-27 – Bar-Ilan University

The conference: Longevity Nation –

Enhancing research development and education for healthy longevity

March 26-27, 2023

Bar-Ilan University, Nanotechnology Bldg 206, Ramat Gan, Israel

This conference will explore the interdisciplinary interrelations of science, technology and society in addressing the challenges of population aging. By bringing together leading voices in the longevity space and public figures, the Longevity Nation conference will help advance ethical scientific and technological solutions for healthy longevity for the benefit of the entire society. Building on Israel’s strengths in this area, this conference will help enhance the supportive longevity ecosystem in Israel, boost the prominence of the field in Israel and strengthen Israel’s international standing and cooperation in the Longevity Field. It will help build up longevity R&D and Education support programs, for stakeholders in Israel and international collaborators.

The registration is at the link below (the attendance is free, but registration is required). The page also includes information for possible support for Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel, the chief organizer of this conference.

Looking forward to seeing you and jointly promoting research, development and education for healthy longevity!

Ilia Stambler, PhD

Chairman of the organizing committee

הכנס – LONGEVITY NATION הגברת מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים

יתקיים ב-26-27 במרץ, 2023

באוניברסיטת בר-אילן, בניין הננוטכנולוגיה 206, רמת גן

הכנס עוסק ביחסי הגומלין הבין-תחומיים של מדע, טכנולוגיה וחברה כדי לטפל באתגרים של הזדקנות האוכלוסייה האנושית. על ידי גיבוש קהילה המפגישה אנשי ציבור עם האנשים המובילים בתחום אריכות החיים, כנס LONGEVITY NATION עוזר לקדם את הפתרונות האתיים, המדעיים והטכנולוגיים לאריכות ימים בבריאות לטובת החברה בכללותה. הכנס בונה על יתרונותיה וחוזקותיה המשמעותיים של מדינת ישראל בתחומים אלה, ומטרתו לשפר את האקוסיסטמה התומכת באריכות חיים בריאים בישראל, להגביר את הנראות והבולטות של התחום בישראל ולחזק את מעמדה ושיתוף הפעולה הבינלאומי של ישראל בתחום אריכות החיים הבריאים. הכנס יסייע לבנות תוכניות תמיכה למו”פ וחינוך לקידום אריכות חיים בריאים עבור בעלי עניין בישראל ויצירת שיתוף פעולה עם גורמים בינלאומיים.

הקישור להרשמה לכנס להלן (הכניסה חופשית אך ההרשמה נדרשת). הדף גם כולל נתונים לתמיכה בעמותת ותק – התנועה לאיכות ואריכות חיים (ע”ר), המארגנת הראשית של הכנס.

מצפים לראותכם בכנס ולשיתוף פעולה בקידום מחקר, פיתוח וחינוך לאריכות חיים בריאים.

ד”ר איליה סטמבלר

יו”ר הועד המארגן