Second call for proposals – Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership on Ageing – BIRAX Ageing

Happy to draw your attention to the publication of the second call for proposals under BIRAX Ageing – the Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange Partnership on Ageing – a £multi-million initiative of the British Council and the British Embassy in Israel together with the Pears Foundation, the Israel Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, together with other partners and supporters, investing in world-leading research jointly undertaken by scientists in the UK and Israel, focusing on ageing and healthy longevity.

The first call, published in 2018, has awarded seven research projects focusing on intervention into aging and aging-related diseases, at a total cost of £2.8m.

The new call will award several more joint UK-Israel research projects on aging with grants of a value up to £400,000 over three years (~1.650 million NIS, or ~$530,000 USD). The total grant program is currently estimated at about £1.6 million (NIS 6.6 million, or $2.1 million), with possible changes. Initial applications are due by April 4, 2022.

This call for proposals is uniquely and pioneeringly based on principles of Geroscience, as its chief funding priorities include “Clear and direct relevance to the ageing process and age-related disease” and “Proposals for interventions in the ageing process in order to prevent or mitigate age-related disease”.  

Note the main 6 research priorities: 1) Ageing and Immunity; 2) Age-related Multimorbidity; 3) Cardiovascular disease and ageing; 4) Aging and progression of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes; 5) Neurodegenerative disease and ageing; 6) Age-related frailty and other geriatric syndromes.

This call for proposals also uniquely and pioneeringly promotes international cooperation in Geroscience, which will not only advance Geroscience in the UK and Israel, but can serve as an example to encourage more binational and international cooperation programs and projects!

Hopefully, more calls for research proposals on Geroscience will be issued soon, both nationally and internationally.

Good luck to all the participants! Complete details, instructions and online application form can be found in the link below.

Some excerpts from the instructions:

“Eligibility: Proposals must be submitted by two Principal Investigators; one resident in the UK and the other in Israel. Both must be employed in an academic institution, research hospital or research institution in the country in which they are resident. …

Non Israeli and non UK co-PI’s are very welcome, but cannot receive funding from BIRAX (funds must be in place). Companies are very welcome but cannot receive funding from BIRAX (funds must be in place). …

Grants of a value up to £400,000 over three years are available for research teams to implement joint research. Please note that the amount of the awarded grant to individual projects will depend on the availability of funds. …

Applications must be received by 22.00 (GMT) on 04 April 2022.”

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Update (12 January 2022)

In addition to the above Call for Proposals, it is great to see the new Call for Research Proposals for 2022 of the Israel Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology in the field of Health will focus on “the complementary subjects” of “developing drugs and medicines” and “preventive medicine”, while the purpose of preventive medicine is emphasized to be “prevention of diseases with an extension of life and improvement of the quality of life”, while the primary topic in the list of priorities is research on “healthy aging”!

The budget is expected to be up to NIS 25 million (~ USD 8 million) subject to resources availability. The maximum funding for a research project for the period of 3 years is NIS 750 K (USD 240 K).

The deadline for the pre-proposals’ submission by the researcher – 2.3.2022 (15.00); by the institution – 9.3.2022.

Full details on the proposal (in Hebrew)

This is in addition to the recent call for proposals of the Britain Israel Research and Academic Exchange on Ageing (BIRAX Ageing) that also emphasizes prevention of aging-related diseases and healthy aging, and is also supported by the Israel Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology. The estimated funding per joint research project is £400,000 over three years (NIS ~1.650 million or ~USD 530,000). The total grant program is currently estimated at about £1.6 million (NIS 6.6 million, or USD 2.1 million). Pre-proposals are due by April 4, 2022.

Hoping for further support for the research, development and education for the prevention of aging-related diseases, for healthy longevity and quality of life, so the field can bring results as soon as possible!


Ilia Stambler, PhD

Chairman. Vetek (Seniority) Association – the Movement for Longevity and Quality of Life, Israel